Rising Sun - log cabin variation

The log cabin method gets addictive. For a variation, I worked some squares with a curved centre. Once that happened, some embellishment was needed - so the Rising Sun was born.

As always, the brights against a dark colour appealed to me.

RISING SUN alt log cabin rnd centre 081014 signed.jpg

Working out from there, it seemed sensible to stick with solid colours so the features would stand out.

RISING SUN alt log cabin rnd cnr 021114 signed.jpg

Some granny squares and a few of the curved squares finished the idea.

RISING SUN alt log cabinFINAL 141214SIGNED.jpg


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Original Mandala Geometric pattern reworked (UK)

As the time I spend developing patterns takes me away from crocheting for those most in need in Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia, please consider making a donation to PEACE Inc. as thanks for the use of this pattern -... Continue →