Row 7 makes a solid circle around the ch loops made in rows 5 & 6 by joining to a ch loop from row 5 into the 7th ch, then 2 ch to separate, then join to the ch loop from row 6 that lies across that ch loop into the 4th ch of that loop.
The row 6 loops will sit above the row 5 loops. By joining into a different place in the two different colour ch loops, they make a point at a different place.

I hope this picture makes more sense of it.

!!row 7 magic carpet.jpg

The red circle on the left shows working a dc into the 7th ch of a row 5 ch loop. Then work 2 ch to separate them & create the circle. The pink circle shows working a dc into the 4th ch of a row 6 ch loop, followed by 5 ch. You’ll see there’s a small space between where the two points are, then a larger space to where the next two points are.


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